gravity release me

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


We finished watching the movie “Triumph of the Nerds” on Wednesday. I liked this segment the most because we really got to see the nature of the competitor’s personalities. I understood what “Great Artists Steal” meant but it still sounded so horrible. I realize that I appreciate these people much more than previously. I can’t even imagine the lifetime of hard work dedicated to something they found they had a sort of obsession for. I never truly realized how much work was involved. I also never realized how short of a time frame this all took place in. I remember by the time I was in fifth grade all of my friends had a computer at home. My family was the last family of my group of friends to get a computer. I felt so isolated in my classes when my teachers would make the sweeping statement that “everyone by now has a computer.” It felt like without a computer the world really couldn’t have functioned before! I really loved when in the movie the Graphical User Interface was talked about. Finally a computer I could recognize! This is how I think of how computers are supposed to look and feel –in a crude way of course. I was glad we watched this movie, as wacky as it was I appreciate how computers came to be and the fight to produce such technology.

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