gravity release me

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Creepy that some of the “daguerreotypes” first subjects were the dead. It does make sense completely however, because I cannot think of many people who can hold a pose for over thirty seconds. Unless you are of course an equally creepy living statue performer. I remember going to a children’s science museum when I was younger and looking through a zoetrope of a man riding a bicycle. Now I know what that “spinning thingy” is actually called. Also an interesting fact from last class was the origin of Nickelodeon. Drake Arnold’s flipbook was so catchy, cute and odd at the same time. It had a very innocent yet disgusting plot line. The whistling was stuck in my head the rest of the day, but I loved it. MOTO was out of control good. I cannot wrap my head around the idea that someone took the time to complete this. I would go insane because the work must be so meticulous. It is absolutely amazing. I was slightly disturbed by the bodies, but it was so cool. I enjoyed this class the most so far because I am really fascinated by this kind of fram by frame movie making. I loved seeing Windsor McCay’s cartoon animation.

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